We passionately believe that genuine learning about the natural world must begin with observations using your own five senses.

At Nature Clearly, we combine our passion for observing and explaining natural history phenomena with a zeal for illustration and a unique method of presenting the information, resulting in a highly effective and enjoyable educational experience.

Video lectures

Whether it’s a difficult fundamental concept in biology, or “just” an interesting organism you see in your everyday life but might not know much about, we are here to talk about it! 

Our unique method of presenting the information, involving real-life examples and plentiful photos and drawings, will deliver concepts in a clear, easy-to-remember form… and you will enjoy the experience along the way!

Illustrations by Lucie

Painting natural objects allows me to carefully study their structure, paying attention to every detail: which way the hairs are growing, the number of spines, the subtlest nuances in color…

Every time I finish a painting, I am left with greater knowledge and appreciation of the subject, and I want to pass this feeling on to you!

All of my paintings come with a short text, where I offer you interesting facts about the natural history of the organism and point out some details you can observe in my work. 

I am currently available for commissions. Contact me via our “Contact us” form for more information.


Cellar spiders, sometimes called daddy long-legs spiders, are common across the world; you may already recognize them because of their conspicuous habit of creating and hanging from a loose web, what you might call a cobweb, in that neglected corner of your room. By far the most common type is the one pictured here, whose […]
